a few weeks ago I bought this not SO pretty table for $100... I fell in love with the pedestal and brought her home, it reminded me of a table I saw at PB for much more dinero.
I knew that with a little tlc she would be a true jem! {previous post}
I knew that with a little tlc she would be a true jem! {previous post}
I worked on her for a few days and for around $40 I made her feel special again!
I just love how she turned out!
Now our family has a grown up table & we will truly enjoy our time around her!
Here she is before
and here she is now....
i find it to be a little drab with all the brown so, I think I may add some seat cushions to brighten up the space. We are currently inquiring on getting some siding done and have to save up for that so, chairs for her will come much later.
here is a cute shot of madeliene with her 2 buddies from across the street...I love capturing moments of her just being a kid...one day she'll be all grown up... ok I don't even want to think about it! I want to enjoy every minute of it :)
Proverbs 17:6
Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.
Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.
Happy FRiday!!
xoxo's Nancy

wow - it looks awesome! Great job!
Wow - it looks beautiful. Love the dark stain you used. That pedestal is goregous too.
Looks awesome!
The table looks like an excellent, beautifully constructed piece of furniture. You did a fantastic job bringing her back! The sheen on the top is wonderful.
thanks ladies!! @ Kathy, I used 2 different stain color to achieve the color...I think it was walnut and chestnut. I can't wait to get some chairs for her! xoxo's nancy
Beautiful table! I love that dark English walnut stain. It always looks divine with Blue Willow china. Your little girl is beautiful too!
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