Over the years my little Madeleine has collected quite a bit of stuff! She is one to hold on to everything
either because she made it or someone gave it to her. Little by little I'm showing her that we don't need
to keep everything just the things that are MOST precious and dear to our heart~which to her it's
basically everything right down to a rock! Awww sweet girl...so much love in her heart. She hasn't
quite mastered it but, I think she will one day understand why we shouldn't be hoarders. I am trying to
also instill this in my husband! Fat chance I can get him to change :) Can't show an old dog new tricks
right? I usually just toss things when he's not looking and has yet to ask where it's at! Clutter drives me
insane and I am trying really hard not to impulse purchase which leads to clutter!
I really think about something a million times b/f I go check-out and super proud of myself...self control!!
It's just that I always have SO many ideas and not enough time so, projects just add up...
So, with all this said here are a few shots of her new bleu room...not completely finished but, enough to
just give you another peek.
her favorite game to play right now is punch buggy...ever heard of it? as a kid I called it slug bug...so,
she had to keep for now.
her special kitty she painted when her and daddy went on a date when she was 5...
her art framed in a vintage gold frame & vintage lady head her daddy bought before even me...did I ever
tell you my husband loves to antique shop...yep he does!
her cute little door knockers her daddy gave her...also, before me! and silhouette from our trip to Key
West...god we love that place! She said to me one day...mommy, when I grow up I'm moving to Key
West and I'm buying you a daddy a house there! I can pack in 2 minutes...just tell me when!
her silhouette from our trip to Disney World when she was 2 1/2...
the yellow & pink pillow I won from a wonderful fellow blogger....
her collection from her grandmother...she gets one every year for Christmas...I'm missing age 4??
can't find it...ugh
candy she loves CANDY...what kid doesn't! I am in the process of spray painting her gumball machine
that was red to a glossy white & it will be placed here as well....the desk her and her daddy bought
during one of our many yard sale adventures...sits right next to her bed by the window where she like to
and what 8 year old doesn't like American Girls!! The cabinet they sit on looks like this below...I plan on
paining it as well but, not right now...I have some cute ideas for it.
her grandpa gave it to her for her 8th bday....it houses all her American Girl treasures...
and lastly her framed art...frames are from ikea & worked out perfect!
hope you all have a wonderful Monday!!

You are definitely a decorator! Your daughters room is beautiful! Love your choices! I love her art framed, the vintage lady head and the peace sign! That one collection is sooo me --personal, modern, and vintage all together!
I have the same set of books in my little girl's room! I had spotted them at a vintage shop and admired them for YEARS. As soon as I became pregnant and knew it was a girl, I returned to finally purchase them for her nursery - but they were gone! But then I opened them as a gift from my mom...I had forgotten that I had pointed them out to her. Love them!
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